
Agrihood Trend Blends Farm-Fresh Food, Easy Country Living And Modern Wellness Design

Agrihoods are becoming more and more popular offering the best of all worlds!


Agrihood Trend Blends Farm-Fresh Food, Easy Country Living And Modern Wellness Design

Agrihoods are becoming more and more popular offering the best of all worlds!

“Green acres is the place to be. Farm livin' is the life for me,” sang the star of the hit TV sitcom Green Acres in its iconic theme song. In the show’s 1965 pilot, successful Manhattan lawyer Oliver Wendell Douglas took his reluctant wife Lisa from glitzy Gotham to a country farm in Hooterville, USA.

Six decades and one pandemic later, many other successful urbanites are leaving city life behind for their own green acres. But today’s agrihoods are often well-located, amenity-rich developments even glamour-loving Lisa Douglas might love at first sight.

The New Agrihoods

Suburban and exurban agrihoods, with their easy access to airports for travel, major cultural centers for arts and entertainment, and essential home features like spa bathrooms, chef-style kitchens and broadband, have become increasingly popular. These new ‘Hootervilles’ have many of the same amenities home buyers expect in non-agrihood communities, along with the farm features.